I did make that bread. Then it disappeared......and the camera is broke and I can't really figure out the loaner. geeze. The bread recipe originated from a famous baker in France. I went as far as looking him up and found out he had died in a helicopter crash and one of his daughters took over the business. Poilane, that was his name. He has a very jealous brother too, because their father chose the other son to teach bread baking to, and he became a big success. Anyway, the bread was good, a little yeasty. But the crust was sooooo good. I'm going to work on my bread more, I've always wanted to get good at it. Anyway, I shall be trying it again along with some sourdough and other various great artisan breads. My mouth is watering. The picture is of a Poilane loaf from their website. Famous people buy them and have them shipped! Imagine your bread being that good. I have an awesome bread book called The Complete Book of Breads by Bernard Clayton, Jr. It should be called Great Bread Making for Dummies. He tells the home cook how to achieve artisan results in an ordinary kitchen. And he devised the recipe I used after spending some time with Poilane. So there you have it. If you want to have some expensive bread shipped from France, here's the website: http://www.poilane.fr/index.php?passer=1&directshop=1 I don't know how they get that done. I sent some deer jerky to an old friend in France and it was sent back to me, with the box empty. Next time I'll put "dried liver" when they ask me what it is at the post office.
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